HealthShare Tips for New Members

Young woman hiker stops to tie her shoe on a summer hiking trail in forest.

Navigating healthcare can be complicated for those who are new to HealthShare programs. While many may be more familiar with the general hands-off approach of insurance, a HealthShare requires proactive engagement on the part of the member. The following tips aim to provide insights for new members on how to make the most of their HealthShare membership.

Understand the guidelines

Before fully engaging with a HealthShare program, it’s important for new members to read the member guidelines and understand the member responsibilities. This document outlines the procedures for submitting medical need requests, the types of expenses that are shareable, and the ethical or lifestyle requirements that members are expected to follow.

Budget for member responsibility

Though it goes by different names within different organizations, each HealthShare has an Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA), which is the amount a member must pay out of pocket before sharing from the community begins. Budgeting for this amount ensures that members are financially prepared for any medical events that may occur.

For those who have access to a Health Savings Account (HSA), utilizing this financial tool can be an effective way to set aside funds specifically for medical use. These tax-free funds can be used to meet an IUA, providing an additional layer of financial security and preparedness.

Use telemedicine services

Many HealthShare programs offer telemedicine services as part of their packages. Using these services can be a cost-effective way to consult with healthcare professionals for minor issues, thereby avoiding unnecessary trips to the doctor and reducing overall medical costs.

Keep accurate records

Maintaining accurate and organized medical records will go a long way in ensuring a smooth sharing process with your HealthShare. New members should make sure that all medical bills, reports, and related documents are kept in an easily accessible format. This will expedite the sharing process and minimize any delays in provider payments or reimbursement to members.

Plan for routine checkups

Preventive care is often overlooked but can be important for long-term health and wellness. Some HealthShare organizations offer sharing for preventive services. It’s in the best interest of most members to plan and budget for these routine checkups to maintain good health and stay ahead of any potential problems.


New members of a HealthShare community should understand the importance of understanding the member guidelines, financial planning and budgeting, and proactive engagement with any available services. By following these tips, new members can optimize their experience and make the most of their HealthShare membership.

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