HSG Bulletin: Sharity Ministries Files for Bankruptcy

a judge's wooden gavel resting in its place.

Sharity Ministries filed for Chapter 11—an unsurprising development for anyone who has been following the troubled HealthShare since its appearance in late July of 2020.

Released as the renamed and rebranded Trinity HealthShare, Sharity Ministries was backed by Aliera Companies. Aliera provided services for Sharity and its members like administration, customer service, and marketing. The name change came around the time that Trinity and Aliera were facing lawsuits in multiple states.

According to Sharity’s (now obsolete) member guidelines, up to 30 percent of member contributions went toward administration; however, the guidelines also stated that 30 percent did not include marketing costs “to grow the membership.” The ambiguity regarding fund allocation became the source of many legal complaints against the company. In fact, reports connected to legal action against the company allege that less than 20 cents per dollar of member contributions were being reserved for member needs (the standard is around 80 cents).

Sharity Ministries has officially ceased operations, leaving thousands of former members with millions in unpaid, shareable medical expenses.

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