HSG Bulletin: United Refuah HealthShare Has “Perfect” Google Reviews

As of February 17, 2023 United Refuah HealthShare has a perfect, 5.0 Google review score.

Some might not consider this noteworthy since they have but 123 reviews so far. So, to put this in perspective, it should be noted that most HealthShares do not have a ton of Google reviews. United Refuah has 27 more than Sedera has on Google, and only 57 fewer than Christian Healthcare Ministries —the oldest HealthShare in the industry.

A positive Google Reviews score is an accomplishment for any HealthShare, especially since HealthShare members generally tend to post reviews more on Healthsharingreviews.com, Facebook, the BBB, and this site. A perfect Google Reviews score from over 100 members is nothing to take lightly. United Refuah may be a more niche HealthShare, but they obviously are committed to creating a positive experience for their members.

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